Patenting Activities in Cage Culture – A Posteriori Approach
Patenting Activities in Cage Culture – A Posteriori Approach
Sharma, Arpita
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
Cage aquaculture is growing fast, and various
technologies have been developed in different
countries of which many have been protected with
some form of Intellectual Property Rights like
patents. Objective of this study was to examine
patenting activities in cage culture. For this, patent
search was performed using commercial (Micropat)
and free online ( database.
International Patent Classification code A01K61/
00 and word search using Boolean operators were
the focus of the search strategy. Information was also
collected from Indian Patent Office (IPO) for the
period 1910 to 2000. A total of 129 patents related
to cage culture were found from 1970 to 2009. Out
of these, 46 patents were granted in USA, 41 in
Japan, 32 under World Intellectual Property Organization,
nine in Europe and one in UK. Number
of patents granted from 1970-1994 viz., pre Trade
Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) era
were 47 whereas from 1995 to 2009 (post TRIPS era),
the number was 82 showing an increase of 74.5%.
However, patenting activity has shown a decrease
in 2000-2004 (25 patents) and in 2005-2009 (24
patents) compared to 1995-1999 during which
maximum patents (33) were recorded. No conclusive
reason could be reported for this. The patenting
activities have to be documented and brought to
broader notice, as cage culture is being given
priority by nations across the world.
Aquaculture, cage culture, patents, IPR
Fishery Tech 50(1):92-96