Empirical Modeling on the Effect of Sodium Chloride, Temperature and pH on Solubility of Myosin Extracted from Labeo rohita

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Das, Madhusweta
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin
The present study describes the modeling of the effect of sodium chloride concentration, temperature and pH on dissolution of myosin isolated from fresh waters fish, Labeo rohita. The goodness of fit was assessed by coefficient of determination, root mean square error and residual plot.The trend observed in the dissolution behavior could be well described by mathematical equations, the nature being case specific. At pH 6.2, with sodium chloride concentration as independent variable, solubility followed a four degree polynomial for temperatures ranging from 10-33°C and a three degree for 45- 65°C. Maximum solubility obtainable increased linearly with decrease of temperature from 65 to 10°C, however, for the whole temperature range, dissolution attained peak at around 0.85 M sodium chloride. Solubility was also a function of pH and exhibited three degree dependency in absence of salt and a two degree dependency in presence of salt. The isoelectric pH of myosin shifted towards acidic side in presence of salt.
Protein solubility, freshwater fish, Labeo rohita, myosin, empirical modeling
Fishery Technology 53(1):48 - 54