Storage Characteristics of Restructured Ready-to-Cook Imitation Shrimp Fingers under Refrigerated Storage at 40C

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Alamelu, V
Shanmugam, S.A
Rajagopalsamy, C.B.T
Velayutham, P
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
The imitation shrimp fingers (ISF) prepared from Nemipterus bleekeri were packed in air pack and vacuum pack and stored at 40C. Quality characteristics viz. proximate composition, biochemical, microbial and sensory characteristics were investigated and shelf life determined. Salt (NaCl) concentration of 1.5% with sucrose concentration of 1% and setting process at 40oC with 20 min duration were found to be optimum for good gel formation. The moisture, protein, fat and ash contents remained almost unchanged during storage. pH gradually decreased while TMA-N and TVB-N contents increased during storage period. Microbial parametrs such as total plate count, staphylococcal count and psychrophilic counts also increased significantly. Organoleptic evaluation revealed that the air packed samples had the storage life of 15 days while vacuum packed samples had the shelf life of 18 days. One day icing of fish before processing did not affect the quality of ISF under same experimental conditions
Imitation shimp fingers, refrigerated storage, shelf life, quality characteristics
Fishery Tech 44(2):173-180