Seafood safety and quality

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Mukundan, M.K.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)
Seafood occupies a unique position as food material for man. several nutrients both major and minor are available in almost all fish and fishery products from marine and freshwater bodies. They also contain various types of bioactive compounds useful to control various ailments posing threat to human health. The good taste, high nutritional quality and easy digestibility of fish make it a favorable food of almost all living organisms including bacteria and animals. As a result all organisms compete to consume fish and fishery products and, if handled carelessly, fish and fishery products can become a source of different kinds of public health organisms such as Vibrio cholera, Salmonella typhi, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella aureus (Nambiar and Surendran, 2003) as well as toxic compounds like histamine, microbial toxins, toxic pesticides and heavy metals causing various kinds of infectious diseases and food poisoning in man.
Seafood safety, aquatic organisms, pesticide residues, hormone residue, antibiotic residues
Proceedings of the National Seminar on Conservation and Sustainability of Coastal Living Resources of India, 1-3 December 2009, Cochin, Meenakumari, B. 442-462