Studies on the Electrophoretic Pattern of Proteins in Frozen Stored Fish

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Chummar, Bomy
Nambudiri, D.D
Sherief, P.M
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
To find out the effect of frozen storage on fish proteins, two species Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus) and Labeo rohita (Hamilton - Buchanan) were stored for 90 days at -180C after freezing at -40oC. Samples were collected at 15-day intervals and Salt Soluble Protein (SSP), Water Soluble Protein (WSP) and Non Protein Nitrogen (NPN) content of the samples were determined. Electrophoretic pattern of both SSP and WSP of frozen stored samples were compared with that of the fresh samplei SSP, WSP and NPN content showed significant decrease during 90 days frozen storage period. However, the electrophoretic pattern of WSP remained almost the same throughout the frozen storage period with some minor bands becoming less intense with storage period. Electrophoretic pattern of SSP showed a major change in the myosin heavy chain, which became narrower and less intense with the concomitant appearance of high molecular weight protein aggregate at the top of the gel.
Labeo rohita, Megalaspis cdrdyla, salt soluble proteins, water soluble proteins, electrophoresis, frozen storage
Fishery Techn 41(2):109-116