Length-weight Relationship and Relative Condition Factor of Puntius carnaticus (Jerdon, 1849)

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Manojkumar, T. G.
Kurup, B. Madhusoodana
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
The length-weight relationship of Puntius carnaticus (Jerdon, 1849) was calculated for males, females and indeterminates. The relationship was analyzed using the formula W = aLb which was further transformed into Log W = a+ b log L. A total of 882 specimens comprising 262 males, 150 females and 470 indeterminates with size groups ranging from 52 to 472 mm total length(TL) were used. The equation obtained for males was: log W = - 4.1567 + 2.7148 log L; for females: log W = - 4.5089 + 2.8618 log L; and for indeterminates: log W = - 0.9611+1.4243 log L. The regression coefficients between males and females did not show any significant difference while significant difference could be noticed between males and indeterminates and between females and indeterminates (p<0.01). Studies on relative condition factor (Kn) of P.carnaticus revealed that the fluctuations in ‘Kn’ values can be attributed to spawning cycle as well as feeding intensity
Length-weight relationship, Condition Factor, Puntius carnaticus
Fishery Tech 47(1):19-26