Certain Biological Aspects of Carangoides ferdau (Forsskal, 1775) and Scomberoides lysan (Forsskal, 1775) Caught from drift Gillnets of Kanyakumari Coast

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Balasubramaniam, A.
Chakraborty, S.K.
Venkateshvaran, K.
Meenakumari, B.
Boopendranath, M.R.
Pravin, P.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), Cochin
Carangid species of Cranngoides ferdnu and Scomberoidelysmr caught using large mesh drift gillnets with mesh sizes of 135, 140, 145 and 150 mm from Kanyakumari coast of Tamil nadu, India were studied for two yea rs from September 2002 to April 2004. Biological aspects such as fork length-weight, girth-weight, fork length-gill girth and fork length-maximum girth ratio of these two species were studied. In addi tion, condition factor and length at first maturity also were studied. Both the species exhibited negative allometric growth and 'b' value of the length-weight and girth-weight relationship differed significantly (P<O.Ol}. Estimated mean condition factors for C. [erda11 were 1.826 and 4.021 based on length and mnximum girth respectively. In the case of S. lysmr mean condi tion factors estimated were 0.873 and 6.359 based on fork length and maximum girth respectively. Relationship of fork length-gill girth and fork length-maximum girth differed significantly from '1'. Coefficient of determination for length-girth relationships for both the species were high. C. jerda11 and S. lysmr attained length at first ma turity at the fork length of 48.6 em and 53.4 em respectively.
carangids, carangoides ferdau, scomberoides lysan, gill net, lenght at first maturity
Fishery Technology 2008:45(20), 155-162