Catch analysis in small mesh gillnets
Catch analysis in small mesh gillnets
Saly, N.T.
Hridayanathan, C.
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Gill netting provide important advantages over many other fishing methods in a
multispecies fishery. However, the simultaneous use of many small mesh
sizes in the inshore waters needs monitoring. Landing data from small mesh
gill nets of 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 48, 50 and 52 mm were collected for two years
from canoes operating off Cochin. Seasonal usage of different mesh sizes, species
composition, size composition and proportion of juveniles in the catch are
discussed. A total of 38 species of fishes were caught pointing out the difficulty
in managing the tropical multispecies fishery- Of the different mesh sizes used,
30 and 32 min are to be used with restraint, as proportion of juveniles caught in
these were substantial- This would render gill netting a more ecofriendly fishing
method for the inshore waters.
Indian J. Fish 50(3): 387-393