Assessment of Socio-economic status of Fishers across Different Sectors in Tamil Nadu
Assessment of Socio-economic status of Fishers across Different Sectors in Tamil Nadu
Salim, Shyam S.
Narayanakumar, R
Sathiadhas, R
Antony, Bindu
Manjusha, U
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The study found that the measures for improving
literacy and health facilities created a positiveimpact on the livelihoods of the fisher community.
The education and health standards are comparable
with any other sector in the state providing ample
opportunities for the upliftment of the fishers in the
future. Over the years, due to the seasonality of the
fishing operations and higher gestation period in
culture sector, the fishers often diversified their
income sources which include business, agriculture,
labour, services and others. However due to
increasing expenditure on account of maintaining
the living standard, they are still engulfed in the
vicious circle of poverty due to increased debt and
lack of savings. Hence, appropriate measures need
to be initiated to develop alternative avocations to
improve income and standard of living.
Assessment,Socio-economic status,Fishers,Tamil Nadu
Fishery Tech. 54(4) :291-293