Minimisation of Fermentation Period of Shidal from Barbs (Puntius spp.)
Minimisation of Fermentation Period of Shidal from Barbs (Puntius spp.)
Muzaddadi, Armaan Ullah
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
Fermented barb (Puntius spp.) is a semi-fermented
solid fish product of north-east India which is a
popular means of fish preservation and product
development in the region. Its normal fermentation
period is 4-6 months which restricts the production
only to 2 batches per year. In the present study,
fortnightly samples from traditional shidal fermenting
vessels (mutka) (PC) and laboratory prepared
shidal (L) were analyzed to identify an appropriate
stage and time of fermentation for harvesting shidal
with desired quality. A total of 5 fermentation stages
were characterized. Bacillus, Staphylococcus and
Micrococcus were the predominant genera of
bacteria. Biochemical parameters such as pH,
titratable acidity and proximate composition combined
with sensory analysis suggested that good
quality shidal can be harvested after a fermentation
period of 75 days (stage 3) under traditional
fermentation system at room temperature (30±5oC)
and from this stage onwards the quality of shidal was
best at 120 days of fermentation with highest
sensory scores, dark red brown colour, typical shidal
odour, pH 5.7±0.8 and titratable acid 1.78%. Shidal
had excellent nutritional properties including 33-
34% moisture, 30-31% protein, about 18-19% fat and
11-13% ash content.
Bacteria, shidal, fermented fish, fermentation stage, north-east India
Fishery Tech 52(1):34-41