Co-infection of Yellowtip Halfbeak Fish (Hemiramphus marginatus) with Isopod and Copepod Parasites from the Coromandal Coast, India
Co-infection of Yellowtip Halfbeak Fish (Hemiramphus marginatus) with Isopod and Copepod Parasites from the Coromandal Coast, India
Sethi, Satyanarayan
Jithendran, K. P.
Kannappan, S.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
In some fishes, parasitic associations are possible, but
rare, including simultaneous associations of several
large parasites (Trilles et al., 1996). Cymothoids and
Digeneans are frequently associated with fish. This
is the first report on the occurrence of an infection
by two parasitic crustaceans in the halfbeak fish from
the southeastern coast of India. Such double parasitism,
involving a branchial cymothoid and a pennellid
copepod, is probably uncommon, but not accidental.
Cymothoids infect several species of fish. Mance
(juvenile parasitic stages of cymothoid) feed voraciously
and easily kill fry and fingerlings. Adultsparasite which are permanently attached to the hosts,
result in stunted growth and also affect reproduction.
Parasites in the gill chamber are usually
associated with deformed gills. This may lead to
severe economic loss in the commercial species of the
marine fishes of India
Co-infection , Yellowtip Halfbeak Fish ,Hemiramphus marginatus, Isopod, Copepod Parasites , Coromandal Coast, India
Fishery Techn 50(4):357-360