Effect of Body Weight on Reproduction and Mobilization of Organic Reserves in Female Sailfin Molly Mollienesia latipinna (Le Sueur)

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James, R
Sampath, K
Karoline, A. Rose Malar
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
Reproduction and mobilization of nutrients and energy for reproduction were studied in female Mollienesia latipinna as a function of body weight. Total reproduction (TR), reproductive effort (RE) and somatic condition factor (SCF) increased with increase in body weight. Gonad was not developed in the smallest female tested (0.313 g) and gonad weight was highest before parturition (breeding) and it significantly declined after varied parturition. The proximate composition and energy in somatic and gonad tissues varied with increase in body weight of female M. latipinna and if suggests the deposition of nutrients with the advent of the reproductive period. Low level of lipid in soma and high level of lipid in female gonads indicate the mobilization of lipid from soma to gonad to provide nutrients for the development of eggs and fry. Nutrients and energy were more in soma and gonad before parturition and they significantly reduced after parturition. M. latipinna being an ovoviviparous fish, utilized significant amount of nutrients and energy for the development of ova, egg and fry which led to the reduction of energy contents after parturition
Reproductive analysis, nutrients, energy, mobilization, Mollienesia latipinna
Fishery Tech 42(1):21-26