Frequency and Expression of Antibiotic Resistance in Luminous Vibrio harveyi
Frequency and Expression of Antibiotic Resistance in Luminous Vibrio harveyi
Abraham, T. Jawahar
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
In-vitro activities of chloramphenicoi, ciprofloxacin, nalidixic acid and oxytetra-cycline
were evaluated against penaeid shrimp larval pathogen, luminous Vibrio liarveyi. The
frequency at which three strains of luminous V. harveyi strains can mutate to develop resistance
to these antibiotics was also estimated. Resistant mutants developed at lower frequencies to
chloramphenicol (<9.43 x lO"10) and ciprofloxacin (<1.14 x lO"10 - 1.61 x lO"9) than to nalidixic
acid (6.61 x lO"5 - 8.87 x lO"5) and oxytetracycline (6.82 x lO"6 - 4.74 x lO"4) at 10 times the
respective minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). Low concentration of antibiotics (5 x MIC
and 2 x MIC), however, induced more of mutant strains. Although ciprofloxacin was effective
in terms of MIC and induction of low level of mutants, chloramphenicol was more effective
in its ability to kill both resistant and sensitive strains of luminous V. harveyi
Vibrio harveyi, antibiotic resistance, mutation frequency, shrimp hatchery
Fishery Tech 42(2):197-202