FT Vol.54(3)

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    Biochemical, sensory and textural quality of whole and gutted cultured milkfish (Chanos chanos) stored in ice
    (Society of Fishery Technologists (India), 2017) Murthy, L.N.; Padiyar, P.A.; Rao, B.M.; Asha, K.K.; Jesmi, D.; Phadke, G.G.; Prasad, M.M.; Ravishankar, C.N.
    Icing and ice storage of fish is widely used for transportation and marketing of fish. This paper reports on the biochemical, sensory and textural quality changes in ice stored whole and gutted cultured milkfish (Chanos chanos). Moisture content decreased and fat content increased with storage period in whole fish but it was reverse in gutted fish during the ice storage. Biochemical quality parameters showed an increasing trend during iced storage but increase was greater in gutted fish compared to whole fish. Overall acceptability of whole and gutted milkfish decreased significantly over the storage (p<0.05). Textural quality showed deterioration with progressive storage period.