Conference papers (Engg)

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    Conservation of energy in fish drying
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), 2010) Joshi, P.N.
    The total fish production in India is 6.4 million t of which about 3,4 million t is from inland and 3.0 million t from marine sources (Ayyappan and Diwan, 2007). Fish are an extremely perishable foodstuff. Spoilage occurs as the result of the action of enzymes (autolysis) and bacteria present in the fish, and also chemical oxidation of the fat which causes rancidity.
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    Studies on the insect infestation of cured fish and their control
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), 2002) Bindu, J.; Joseph, K.G.; Nasser, M.
    Insect infestation of dried fish is a major problem in tropical areas. Drying of fish on the beach makes it more susceptible to insect infestation. Dipterans belonging to the family Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae and Muscidae and beetles of the family Dermestidae and Cleridae are the major insect pests. The Dipterans infest the fish during the drying process while the beetles during storage. Studies on the behaviour of these pests are discussed and control measures based on the ethological studies are recommended.
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    Solar processing monitor
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), 1987) Sivadas, T.K.; Ramakrishnan, K.; Vijayabharathi, K.
    An electronic equipment developed for monitoring the parameters relevant to solar drying of fish namely, water evaporation, air temperature, weight loss and moisture is described briefly in the paper. The special features ad advantages of the equipment are remote operated sensors enabling centralised monitoring, their respective total values over long duration, recording facility and flexibility to accommodate any number of the parameters as required for specific programmes.
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    Problems in mechanisation of low energy fishing craft for coastal waters
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), 1991) Pillai, S.A.; Namboodiri, K.S
    Ther peper discribes the stages of development in mechanisation of traditional fishing craft and the problems connected with operational coast of these divices. Both imported outoboard motors using petrol kerosene engine and indigenously developed drive unit have been tried to machanise the traditional craft. The comparative merits and demerits of these types of drives are discused in the paper.
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    Mechanisation of traditional fishing vessels in the South - West Coast of India
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), 1982) Pillai, S.A.
    The paer describes the various stages of development in the mechnisation of traditional fishing vessels in the south-west coast of India. Both imported out-board motors using petrol-kerosene engine and indigenously developed inboard-out board drive units using diesel power, have been tried to mechanise the traditional craft.