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    Effect of thermal processing on quality of tender jackfruit in tin-free- steel cans
    (Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2022-05) Babu, Pritty Sushama; Pulissery, Sudheer Kundukulangara; Jaganath, Bindu; Obaiah, Mohan Chitradurga
    Thermal processing is the most efficient and economical technique for the long-term preservation of tender jackfruit in ready-to-cook form on a commercialscale. Although, thermal processing primarily focus on microbiological safety of the product, the associated quality changes need to be examined as it is decisive of consumer acceptance. The present study investigated the effect of two pasteurization (90 and 100 C) and sterilization temperatures (110 and 121 C) at different lethality on microbiological, colour, texture, ascorbic acid (AA), total flavonoid (TFC) and phenol (TPC) contents of tender jackfruit processed in tin-free-steel (TFS) cans. Time required for thermal processing was computed from respective heat penetration curve. Thermal processing improved both the TFC and TPC of tender jackfruit, while colour, texture and AA had degraded. Based on microbiological and physicochemical quality analyses, the study adjudged pasteurization at 90 C for 19 min and sterilization at 121 C for 8 min as the best temperature–time combination for thermal processing of tender jackfruit in TFS cans.
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    Time dependent synthesis of gold nanoparticles using chitosan as reducing agent: A spectroscopic approach
    (Indian Council of Agricultural Research, 2021) K. R., SREELAKSHMI; C. O., MOHAN; S, REMYA; Raj, Rehana; RAJASREE, RADHIKA; PILLAI, DEVIKA; K, ASHOK KUMAR; C. N., RAVISHANKAR
    The present study attempted synthesis of gold nanoparticle using chitosan from shrimp waste and evaluated the kinetics of gold nanoparticle (AuNPs) formation. Two different forms of chitosan (high molecular weight and medium molecular weight forms) were used for the preparation of AuNPs. The formation of nanoparticles was studied using UV-VIS spectra obtained at different time intervals during synthesis. The typical UV-VIS spectrum of non-aggregated spherical AuNPs at 520 nm was obtained for both chitosan forms and the maximum absorbance was higher for the sample prepared with medium molecular weight chitosan. The results clearly indicated that the characteristic surface plasmonic resonance (SPR) peak became recognisable at 5 min of heating for the sample with high molecular weight chitosan and 3 min of heating for medium molecular weight chitosan. This indicated that, the lower the molecular weight, the faster the formation of nanoparticles. The wavelength (λ) of absorption maxima was selected and normalised with respect to the absorption maxima at 15 min. The sigmoidal shape of kinetic curve implied the autocatalytic character of AuNP formation. The data from the samples were fitted with two step Finke-Watzky kinetics model and the kinetics constants were derived. The rate constant of the nucleation reaction was found higher for the medium molecular weight chitosan.
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    Thermal Process Evaluation of Analogue Shrimp Product (ASP) from Lizard Fish (Saurida tumbil) in Retort Pouches
    (Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2021-02) K, Hema; P, Velayutham; C.O., Mohan; D, Sukumar; B, Sundaramoorthy; S, Athithan; G, Sugumar; C.N., Ravishankar; K, Ashok Kumar
    Seafood analogue is a ready to make value added product prepared out of surimi. Thermal processing of restructured products in retort pouches such as fish ball in curry medium, surimi stew in white tripod, boneless rohu balls in curry. Also no work had done on thermal processing of shrimp analogue products in retort pouches. The main objective of this work was to develop the analogue shrimp product from lizardfish and to compare the heat penetration attributes of analogue shrimp curry and masala using retort pouches and different sterilization methods such as steam / air over pressure retort and water immersion retort. Analogue shrimp products were prepared and thermally processed in retortable pouches. About 125g of shrimp analogue product and 100g of curry (masala) were filled in retort pouches of size, 150x200mm. Air inside the pouch was exhausted by steam injection followed by heat sealing and processing at 121.1C in a retort by steam/air over pressure retort and water immersion retort. The difference in the heat penetration characteristics of analogue shrimp products processed in retort by steam/air over pressure retort and water immersion retort were studied. The results showed that minimum heating lag factor and minimum come up time led to faster heating rate which decreased total process time in imitated shrimp curry by steam/ air retort. At the same time the cook value was low in curry medium processed by steam air retort. So finally conclude that imitated shrimp curry processed by steam air retort was good.
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    Effect of Treatment time on Synthesis of silver Nanoparticles using Chitosan and its stability during Freezing
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), 2021) K. R, Sreelakshmi; C. O, Mohan; Pillai, Devika; Rajasree, Radhika; C. N, Ravishankar
    Chitosan, a bioactive polysaccharide extracted from shell fish waste can act as both reducing and stabilising agent for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles. In the present study, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesised using chitosan with thermal treatment. Two treatment times studied were 15 and 30 min. The formation of chitosan silver nanocomposites resulted in change of visible colour from colourless to yellow in both samples. The characterisation was done using UVvisible spectroscopy. Both samples exhibited the surface plasmonic peak at ~420 nm. The absorbance and wavelength of peak maxima increased with increase in treatment time. The full width half wavelength of the samples reduced with increased treatment time. Hence the polydispersity of silver nanoparticles can be modified using the time of thermal treatment. The samples were studied for the changes under frozen conditions and both samples were found to be stable under storage at -18±2oC.
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    Temporal Variability of Size-fractionated Chlorophyll a Concentration and Influence of Chemical Parameters in Coastal waters of South-eastern Arabian Sea
    (Fishery Technology, 2016) Minu, P.; Souda, V. P.; Ashraf, P. Muhamed
    Phytoplankton size structure influences the underwater light field and determines the fate of carbon in a pelagic food chain. Temporal and vertical variations of size fractionated chlorophyll a concentration (Chl-a) were investigated along coastal region off Kochi from May 2013 to April 2014 in order to understand the influence of environmental parameters on phytoplankton size distribution in coastal waters of South-eastern Arabian Sea. The study identified abundance of microphytoplankton around 10m depth, nanophytoplankton from surface to 5m depth and picophytoplankton in 10-20m water column. The results also showed that increased nitrate and phosphate concentration favoured nanophytoplankton growth and increased silicate concentration favoured the growth of microphytoplankton. Pre-showers and extended southwest monsoon along with variation in nutrient concentrations in the area during the study period significantly influenced the variation in size fractionated chlorophyll, absorption by phytoplankton and its numerical density. The results will provide an insight into the chemical factors that control the production cycle in this neritic system and can be used to improve the size fraction algorithms for various societal applications of remote sensing.