FT Vol.1(1)

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    Technical Terms In Fishing Gear Materials And Gear Fabrication
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin, 1964) Eapen, P.K.
    Papers dealing with technical terms in fisheries science are few. This paper however, covers only one or two aspects of the subject, namely fishing gear materials and fishing gear fabrication. Similar papers on other aspects are also planned. Short explanations or descriptions are also given wherever considered necessary.
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    Study On Primary Production And Its Importance In An Integrated Fisheries Research Programme
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin, 1964) Raghu Prasad, R.
    The importance of the ocean as a source of cheap protein food is too well-known to be emphasised. In recent years there has been a tremendous increase in the fishing activity in all maritime nations and during the last few years the total world production has markedly grown. This study explains the importance of a planned exploitation according to scientific principles to preserve the availability and natural fluctuations in the abundance of stocks of marine fish and other commercially important organisms.