The suitability of muscle of cirrhinus mrigala in the formation of gel : A comparative study of six tropical carp meats

The annual inland fish production in India is 3.2 million tonnes and above. Aquaculture is around 80% of total inland fish production. The enhanced aquaculture production demands alternate processing methods for better utilisation of the farmed fish. Cirrhinus mrigala is one of the dominated species among cultured Indian major carps, but rated with lowest price. Fish meat with good gel-forming capacity is a prerequisite in the production of fast-moving fabricated analogue product. Cirrhinus mrigala had the highest gel strength, i.e. 435 gcm of its fresh meat in comparison with other carps. Apart from the highest protein and salt-soluble protein nitrogen content in fresh C. mrigala meat, this article also reports that the presence of the darkest thick band of myosin heavy chain and actin in the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis pattern of salt-soluble extract of C. mrigala might be another possible reason for the highest gel strength in comparison with other carps. Cirrhinus mrigala contained white meat around 90%. This carp could be suitably used in the preparation of high-valued fabricated analogue product
Exotic carps, gel formation capacity, major carps, SDS-electrophoresis
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008: 43, 179-184