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- ItemStudies on Indian fishmeals(Indian Council of Agricultural research, 1962)Fishmeal is highly valued in cattle and poultry nutrition for its content of easily digestible proteins, vitamins and minerals. Extensive experiments on the chickfeeds containing fishmeal registered a better growth response when compared with other feeds. The total world production of fishmeal is estimated at more than 2 million metric tons. The major producing countries are Peru, United states of America, Angola, South Africa, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland. Until recently the production and consumption in India is not significant. At present two plant are producing fishmeals for cattle and poultry feeds on a commercial scale with heat treatment.
- ItemStudies on ice-stored prawns(Indian Council of Agricultural research, 1962)Icing of prawn is a very important step for maintaining good quality of the material. Prawns should be beheaded and stored well-iced immediately after they are taken out of water and should be maintained in this condition until processed in the factories. This may involve a couple of days to a week's storage in ice according to the conditions. During storage of prawns in ice, many changes take place in the muscle of prawns and attempts have been made by many workers to follow and make use of these changes to assess the quality of the ice stored prawns. The paper studied the whole part of ice stored prawns related with the quality of the same.
- ItemStorage behaviour of salted and dried fish in relation to humidity conditions(Indian Council of Agricultural research, 1962)Humidity conditions play important role in governing the storage life of cured fish products, since mould growth and red halophile attack depend on the moisture content of the product which varies with changes in relative humidity (RH). An additional factor is contributed by salt, if used for curing, which by lowering the equilibrium vapour pressure in fish muscle to 76 per cent. RH helps the products to absorb moisture, when the humidity is above this level. The paper is focus on the storage characteristics dried cured fish and reveals the relation of relative humidity.
- ItemUtilisation of waste materials in frogleg processing industry(Indian Council of Agricultural research, 1963)During recent years the export of frozen frog legs from Kerala and Maharashtra has increased to a great extent. Large quantities of waste materials at present being thrown into sea. In the year of 1963 roughly over 500 metric tons of frozen frog legs were exported to USA, France and other places in the Continent valued at nearly 33 lakhs of rupees. Due to the decreasing trends of prices in the international market there is a little bit profit in the industry. Utilization of waste materials in the processing of frog legs is of immense value to compensate the processing expenses to a certain extent. With this object in view the waste materials which constitute about 65% of the total weight of the raw material were processed into meal and oil and studied the chemical composition.
- ItemStorage characteristics of frozen prawns in relation to quality assessment(Indian Council of Agricultural research, 1962)The problem of evaluating the quality of frozen prawn has been the subject for detailed investigation in many countries. Standard specifications have been laid down by some of these countries for specific items of frozen prawn products. These, however, are based mainly on physical and organoleptic characteristics of the products and are, therefore, subject to a wide degree of error, especially in their application. As a mean to overcome these limitations many objective methods have been advocated for assessing the quality using bacteriological, chemical or biochemical methods.