Utilisation of waste materials in frogleg processing industry

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Rao, D.R.
Kamasastri, P.V.
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Indian Council of Agricultural research
During recent years the export of frozen frog legs from Kerala and Maharashtra has increased to a great extent. Large quantities of waste materials at present being thrown into sea. In the year of 1963 roughly over 500 metric tons of frozen frog legs were exported to USA, France and other places in the Continent valued at nearly 33 lakhs of rupees. Due to the decreasing trends of prices in the international market there is a little bit profit in the industry. Utilization of waste materials in the processing of frog legs is of immense value to compensate the processing expenses to a certain extent. With this object in view the waste materials which constitute about 65% of the total weight of the raw material were processed into meal and oil and studied the chemical composition.
Waste materials, frog leg, processing industry
Indian Journal of Fisheries1963: 10(1), 4-7