Fishery and Biology of Deep sea Prawns Landed at the Fishing Harbours of Kerala
Fishery and Biology of Deep sea Prawns Landed at the Fishing Harbours of Kerala
Rajasree, Radhika
Kurup, Madhusoodhana
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
Deep-sea prawn landings from 10 fisheries harbours of Kerala during September 2000
to April 2001 have been quantified as 48675 t. The deep sea trawl units showed almost a
double fold increase during 2001-02. Aristeus alcocki, Heteracarpus gibbosus, Heterocarpus
woodmasoni, Parapandalus spinipes and Metapenaeopsis andamanensis, ivere the major species of
commercial importance which accounted for major portion of the landings. Species wise catch
and catch per effort from various fisheries harbours of Kerala are furnished. Life history traits
such as size range and modal size constituting fishery, sex ratio and percentage of berried
females in the exploited stock deep-sea prawns are also given
Deep sea prawns; fishery; Kerala
Fishery Tech 52(2):141-148