Effect of Incorporation of Frozen Stored Minced Fish on the Quality of Gelatinized Product from Rice and Maize Flour
Effect of Incorporation of Frozen Stored Minced Fish on the Quality of Gelatinized Product from Rice and Maize Flour
A, Jeyakumari
Rathnakumar, K
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
Fishmince was prepared Using pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus) meat and frozen stored
at -30°C. Mince was mixed with rice flour and maize flour at 5%, 10%, 20% and 30% level and
gelatinized using twin screw extruder in the temperature rainge of 80,90,100 and llO" . Frozen
stored mince wak drawn at 30 days interval upto 120 days and products were prepared.
Gelatinized products were analysed for its chemical composition, biochemical, functional,
organoleptical and microbiological status and the results are presented. From the results it is
found that, gelatinized products prepared using minced meat stored at -SO'C for 120 days
does not show any significant change in the over all quality for acceptance.
Fish mince, frozen storage. Pink perch. Gelatinized products, quality
Fishery Technology 43(2):146-153