FT Vol.43(2)

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    Use Of Fish Silage as an Alternate Protein Source for the Spawn Rearing of Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham.)
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2006) Ittoop, Gijo; Jose, Susheela; Nair, Dinesh K; CM; Joseph, Aneykutty
    An experiment was carried out to study the efficacy of fish silage as an alternate protein source for rearing the spawn of Cirrhinus mrigala. 3 days old mrigal spawn of a single batch of initial average weight 3.5 ± 0.1 mg and length 6 ± 0.14 mm were stocked at a stocking density of 2nos/L in fibre glass tanks. For the first three days feeding was done with mixed zooplankton. From the fourth day onwards, four different types of feed were given with 6 replicates each for 30 days. The feeds were as follows: Conventional feed (Powdered ground nut oil cake and rice bran in the ratio 1:1) (T,), formulated commercial feed (T2), Dried and powdered fish silage made from low quality trash fish (T,) and Fish silage powder and conventional feed in the ratio 1:1 (T4). After 30 days, it was found that the percentage weight gain (12138), Specific growth rate (15.69) and Net Biomass Index (407.7) of the fish spawn fed with fish silage and conventional feed in the ratio 1:1 were significantly higher compared to those fed either conventional or commercial feed. The survival was not significantly different in any of the treatments. The results show that fish silage can be used as an alternative cheap protein source for the spawn rearing of C. mrigala, thereby reducing the cost of spawn rearing to a great extent.
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    Studies on the Ice Storage Characteristics of Octopus, Octopus membranaceus (Quoy and Gaimard)
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2006) Venkatappa; Dhananjaya, S
    Quality changes in ice stored octopus (Octopus membranaceus) in different forms viz., whole octopus iced (WOI), dressed octopus iced (DOI) and dressed, packed in polythene bags & iced (DPI) were studied. During storage slight increase in moisture content was noticed in WOI and DOI samples, where as in DPI sample slight decrease was noticed. Crude protein decreased in all the samples. There was not much change in fat and ash content in any of the samples. Significant increase in TVB-N, TMA-N, PV and FFA were noticed in all the samples but the rate of change was more in DPI ch DOI samples. Initial total plate count of octopus was 4.2X104 which increased to 9.93xl05,6.50xl05 and 8.76xl05 cfu/g and Psychrophiles with initial count of 3.45xl03 cfu/g increased to 3.79xl04, l OxWand 2.20x10* in WOI, DOI and DPI samples respectively. There was decrease in nitrogenous compounds such as SSN, WSN and NPN in all the samples. It was found that the whole octopus ice stored was acceptable up to 15 days, where as DOI and DPI were acceptable up to 9 days, but DPI had little bit inferior quality than the DOI. Whole octopus iced showed significantly lower values of quality indices such as PV, FFA, TVB-N, TMA-N, TPC and psychrophilic count, indicating better quality than the DOI & DPI. Significant correlation was observed between changes in biochemical and sensory characteristics
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    Storage Behaviour of Washed Mince from Pink Perch (Nemipterus japonicus) at -30oC
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2006) Jeyakumari, A; Rathnakumar, K; Velayutham, P
    The proximate composition of Pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus) used in the studywas recorded as protein, 16.22%; fat, 1.3% and ash, 1.7%. The yield of this fish after dressing ie., beheading and evisceration was 76%. The minced meat has a solubility of 91% and no TMA was recorded. Other physico-ejiemical properties also reflected its prime quality. The minced meat was frozen stored at -30oC. During storage up to 120 days ,slight pH increased up to 6%, a-amino nitrogen to 51% and TVB-N to 80%. However there was no significant change (P>0.05) in the FFA and PV during the storage period. Functional properties like solubility, viscosity, Ca2* ATfase activity did not vary significantly (P>0.05) with storage period indicating the quality of minced meat. The study indicateed that storage of minced meat of Pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus) at -30oC does not alter the'major protein fractions as indicated by the functional properties and gel forming ability. This was reflected in the over all acceptability of the cooked meat where, appearance and colour of meat did not vary significantly (P>0.05) with storage period
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    Life History traits of Silver Roughy Hoplostethus ntediterraneus (Cuvier) (Family: Trachichthydae) from the Continental Slope of South West Coast of India
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2006) Venu, S; Kurup, B. Madhusoodana
    Distribution, abundance, sex ratio, food and feeding, maturation and spawning and length-weight relationship of Hoplostethus mediterraneus (Cuvier) inhabiting the continental slope of south west coast of India were studied. The data for the present study was collected from the deep sea exploratory fishing surveys conducted onboard FORV Sagar Sampada in the Arabian sea between 7° N latitude and 14° N latitude during 1999 - 2002. H. mediterraneus was found to be distributed in the depth range 280 - 682m. Depth wise distribution was found beyond 300m and at 8° to 10° N, it was found only in the depth zone 301 - 400m. While at 11° to 13° N, its occurrence was registered only beyond 400m. It showed a wider bathymetrical distribution (300 - 682m) in the latitude 10° -110 N. Length related chi square analysis of sex ratio in H. mediterraneus revealed that males skewed in all length groups as well as in all seasons. Spawning season of H. mediterraneus coincided with pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. Feeding intensity was found to be very less and found to be feeding on myctophids, Aristeus spp., Heterocarpus spp., squids etc. LWR obtained for the depth zones 301 - 400 m and 401-500 m are Log W = -1.06 + 2.3 Log L and Log W = -0.88 + 2.12 Log L respectively.
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    Growth, Survival and Fecundity in Ornamental Fish, Betta splendens (Regan) as a Function of Stocking Density
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2006) James, R; Sampath, K
    Effects of stocking density (10,25,50,100 and 150 fish/501 ofwater) on growth, survival and fecundity were studied in Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens. An increase in stocking density reduced the growth, survival and fecundity in B. splendens. A significant (P < 0.05) negative correlatibyi was obtained between density and feeding parameters or gonad weight or fecundity in B. splendens. Animals reared in higher densities elicited poor gonad development and it severely affected egg production and hatching. Accumulation of more ammonia and carbon dioxide and oxygen depletion with increase in stocking density could have reduced the feed consumption and growth which in turn affected the gonad development and fecundity in female B. splendens. However, fish reared in 10 and 25D groups could withstand ammonia stress of 1.01 mg l1 without any ill effect on survival, growth, gonad development and fecundity. Fish reared in 10 D group displayed better rates of feeding and growth at early rearing period than those in 25D group. However, fish reared in 25D group showed significantly higher growth rate (t=2.71; P<0.05) and growth efficiency (t=2.67; P<0.05) than fish reared in 10D group and also in higher density groups when fish attained sexual maturity on day 42. Although fish reared in 10D laid more eggs per female B. splendens than 25D group, the total number of egg production was higher in 25D than 10D group. The percentage of egg hatchability between 10D and 25D groups did not show significant (P<0.05) difference between them. Fish reared in 25D group exhibited 100% survival like 10 D group. Based on the survival, growth rate, total number of egg production, and egg hatching rate, fish reared in 25D group is economically better than 10 D or higher than 25D groups and hence 25 fish 50 11 water is considered as optimum density.