Studies on the Ice Storage Characteristics of Octopus, Octopus membranaceus (Quoy and Gaimard)
Studies on the Ice Storage Characteristics of Octopus, Octopus membranaceus (Quoy and Gaimard)
Dhananjaya, S
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
Quality changes in ice stored octopus (Octopus membranaceus) in different forms viz., whole octopus
iced (WOI), dressed octopus iced (DOI) and dressed, packed in polythene bags & iced (DPI) were studied.
During storage slight increase in moisture content was noticed in WOI and DOI samples, where as in DPI
sample slight decrease was noticed. Crude protein decreased in all the samples. There was not much
change in fat and ash content in any of the samples. Significant increase in TVB-N, TMA-N, PV and FFA
were noticed in all the samples but the rate of change was more in DPI ch DOI samples. Initial total plate
count of octopus was 4.2X104 which increased to 9.93xl05,6.50xl05 and 8.76xl05 cfu/g and Psychrophiles
with initial count of 3.45xl03 cfu/g increased to 3.79xl04, l OxWand 2.20x10* in WOI, DOI and DPI
samples respectively. There was decrease in nitrogenous compounds such as SSN, WSN and NPN in all
the samples. It was found that the whole octopus ice stored was acceptable up to 15 days, where as DOI
and DPI were acceptable up to 9 days, but DPI had little bit inferior quality than the DOI. Whole octopus
iced showed significantly lower values of quality indices such as PV, FFA, TVB-N, TMA-N, TPC and
psychrophilic count, indicating better quality than the DOI & DPI. Significant correlation was observed
between changes in biochemical and sensory characteristics
Octopus, Iced storage. Quality, Shelf-life
Fishery Techn 43(2):154-161