Effect of oven drying and freeze drying on the antioxidant and functional properties of protein hydrolysates derived from freshwater fish (Cirrhinus mrigala) using papain enzyme

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Elavarasan, K.
Shamsundar, B.A.
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Fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) was prepared from fresh water fish Cirrhinus mrigala using papain and dried in oven (OD-FPH) and freeze dryer (FD-FPH). The electron micrographs of FD-FPH samples showed porous structure. The browning intensity of OD-FPH samples was higher than the FD-FPH samples. The DPPH (2, 2 Diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging activity and linoleic acid peroxidation inhibition activity of FPH were not affected by oven drying process. The sequential digestion of FPH with pepsin and pancreatin reduced the antioxidant properties in both OD-FPH and FD-FPH samples. The solubility of proteins in OD-FPH was lower at pH 5 while for that of FD-FPH it was at pH 7 with water as solvent. The surface active properties of FD-FPH samples were higher than OD-FPH samples. The oven drying of fish protein hydrolysates may be advocated considering the properties and cost of production.
Antioxidant properties, Oven drying, Freeze drying, Fish protein hydrolysates, Papain
Journal of Food Science and Technology 2016:53(2):1303–1311