Standardization of process parameters for ready to eat squid masala in indigenous polymer coated tin free steel cans

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Sreenath, P.G.
Anthony, M.X.K.
Ravishankar, C.N.
Bindu, J.
et. al
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Squid masala was prepared following three different traditional recipes and one recipe was selected based on the taste panel studies. About 160 g of squid masala was packed in indigenous polymer-coated easy open-end tin-free steel cans of 307 · 109 size and processed at 121.1 C to three F0 values of 7, 8 and 9 with cook values of 82, 91 and 95 min, respectively. The data were recorded using an Ellab TM 9608 temperature recorder. The raw, blanched and processed squid rings were subjected to manual and instrumental sensory analysis. Even though the processed cans for all three F0 values were found to be commercially sterile, the product processed to F0 8 was found to be ideal with regard to all sensory attributes. The instrumental texture profile analysis of raw, blanched and processed squid muscle shows softening with cooking.
Heat penetration, polymer coated tin-free steel cans, squid masala, sensory panel evaluation
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2007: 42, 1148-1155