Impact of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) on Shrimp Production and Seafood Processing in Andhra Pradesh
Impact of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) on Shrimp Production and Seafood Processing in Andhra Pradesh
Ashok, A.
Murthy, L.N.
Rao, B.M.
Debbarma, J.
Prasad, M.M.
Geethalakshmi, V.
Gopal, N.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), Cochin, India
Introduction of new shrimp species Litopenaeus vannamei has brought a sea change in Indian shrimp production and processing industry. Andhra Pradesh is a leading state in cultured shrimp production and the present study investigates the changing trends in
cultured shrimp production and its impact on seafood processing of the State. Results of the study showed that 83.6% of the cultured shrimp production in Andhra Pradesh was attributed to L. vannamei.
With the increase in production, structural changes
became pre-requisite for seafood processing firms
and they have incorporated changes such as establishment
of additional plants, increasing the capacity
utilization of existing plants and installation of more
efficient equipments. There was an increase of
37.12% in installed capacity and 53.1% increase in
capacity utilization of shrimp processing plants due
to increased shrimp production. Spillover effects
were visible; employment opportunities and income
of the employees increased. Strict implementation of
scientific farming techniques and quality management
are vital to sustain growth of the industry.
Litopenaeus vannamei, seafood processing, installed capacity, capacity utilization
Fishery Technology 2015:52, 53-57