Live storage of mud crab scylla serrata

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Ismail, T.
Selvin, J.
Stephen, J.
Gopal, T.K.S.
George, C.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists(India),Cochin
Studies leading to development of an appropriate packaging system and optimum temperature for live storage of crab are described. Live crabs were packed in corrugated fibre board boxes between layers of saw dust, coconut husk fibre, wood shavings and cotton, sprinkled with sea water containing 0.5% citric acid and stored at different temperatures. The packing density was 400-500 kg/m^3, out of which 20% accounted for moist packing material. Moist saw dust was found to be the best packing material with no mortality up to 13 days. In the control, mortality occurred on 5th day. Optimum temperature of storage observed was 21-25°C. Moist fibre was the second best.
Mud crab, live storage, optimum temperature, mortality
Proceedings of the Symposium on "Advances and Priorities in Fisheries Technology" held during 11-13 Feb, 1998, Cochin ed. by Balachandran, K.K. et. al, 276-280