Identification of Key Factors to Negotiate Spontaneous Spawning of Clarias batrachus in Confinement
Identification of Key Factors to Negotiate Spontaneous Spawning of Clarias batrachus in Confinement
Priyadarshi, Himanshu
Singh, A. A.
Jamoh, Neriyang
Chakraborty, Puja
Bogi, Rasidamad
Singh, S. B
Mallik, Abhijit
Mahendrajit, Amom
Khuman, O. N
Paul, Tapas
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Fishery Technology
Clarias batrachus do not spawn spontaneously in
confined conditions even after induction using
synthetic hormones. Current hatchery techniques
for seed production of the species involves fertilization
of stripped eggs using ground testes suspension
from a sacrificed male. The study report the
elicitation of spontaneous spawning in C. batrachus
and the successful hatching of the eggs collected
there from. The mature males and females were
induced using ovatideTM and released into a gently
sloping drain planted with paddy saplings. The
fertilized eggs were collected 24 h post injection and
transferred to a flow-through device for incubation.
It is observed that bilateral injection of ovatide in
combination with complete exclusion of light and
total simulation of the natural breeding grounds of
the species have positive influence on spontaneous
spawning in confinement. With finer refinements, it
would be possible to have more control and success
in terms of spontaneous spawning and easy
collection of the eggs, which is desirable for a
commercial hatchery.
Clarias batrachus, confinement, induced