Changes of microflora in high pressure treated Indian white prawn (Fenneropenaeus indicus)
Changes of microflora in high pressure treated Indian white prawn (Fenneropenaeus indicus)
Ginson, J
Panda, Satyen Kumar
Kamalakanth, C. K
Bindu, J
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Taylor & Francis
This study was to investigate the piezotolerance and diversity
indices of microflora of Indian white prawn (Fenneropenaeus
indicus) after high pressure (HP)-treatment. Indian white prawns
subjected to HP-treatments and its effect was studied up to
species level and compared with unpressurized samples. The
bacterium was identified by using bacterial identification schemes,
biochemical tests and API kits (bioMérieux, Marcyl’Etoile, France).
Diversity analysis was performed using PRIMER (Plymouth
Routines in Multivariate Research) software v 5.2.2. The significant
elimination of microflora was found to be proportional with the
pressure level. In the case of spore formers, mere destruction was
noticed after HP-treatment. Arthrobacter spp., Listeria grayi and
Corynebacterium spp. were the most piezotolerant bacteria in HPtreated
samples. Diversity indices revealed a significant reduction
of microflora of Indian white prawn. The apparent reduction of
microflora with pressure level was clearly evident from the
diversity indices; moreover a diminished piezotolerance of Gram
negative spoilage bacteria was also observed.
High pressure treatment, Indian white prawn, microflora, diversity