Some common defects in prawn processing - their source and remedies

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Govindan, T.K.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)
The processing of prawns has assumed very great importance in India in these days because processed prawn products have become one of the most important foreign exchange earners in our country . In the year 1964, we exported fishery products worth Rs . 6 .85 crores of which Rs. 4.75 crores were contributed by processed prawn products, viz ; frozen, canned and dried . The demand for processed prawn products in foreign markets is increasing day by day . In order to meet the requirements of the quality conscious importers and to compete successfully with other exporters of these products and above all to get competitive returns for our processed prawn products, it is absolutely essential that we should maintain high standards of quality of our products . The purpose of this article is to enumerate some of the important points to he observed to achieve this end . It is earnestly hoped that strict observance of the remedial measures suggested hereunder will help a good deal in further improving the quality of our processed prawn products .
Prawn processing, prawn products
Fishery Technology 1966: 3(1), 10-15