Forecasting technological needs and prioritizing factors for the post-harvest sector of Indian fisheries
Forecasting technological needs and prioritizing factors for the post-harvest sector of Indian fisheries
Jeeva, J.C.
Ramasubramanian, V.
Kumar, A.
Bhatia, V.K.
Geethalakshmi, V.
Premi, S.K.
Ramasundaram, P.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)
It is imperative to articulate technological needs of
fish processing sector as future technologies for the
domain of Indian seafood sector are expected to be
different from what these are now. This calls for
forecasting technological needs to fill the gaps in the
present technological trends. Technology Forecasting
is required for better planning and future
preparedness, and may also give strategic advantage
and global competitiveness in research and development.
Non-thermal processing, active and intelligent
packaging, development of high pressure and
nuclear packaging technologies for food safety and
security, biodegradable packaging and radiation
preservatives emerged as frontier technological
areas. The future researchable thrust areas in postharvest
fisheries viz., in the area of processing,
biochemistry and nutrition, seafood quality assurance,
microbiology/biotechnology/molecular biology,
fishery engineering & instrumentation and
extension methodologies are detailed in this communication.
Major factors that need attention for the
development of fish processing sector for enhancing
productivity are prioritized. Inadequate pre-project
diagnosis of field problems and lack of proper
feedback from the client and extension systems were
reported as major constraints in research and
development in the seafood sector
technology forecasting, technological needs, fish processing, thrust areas
Fishery Technology 2013: 50 (1), 87-91