In vitro release kinetics of spray dried curcumin-loaded egg albumin microparticles
In vitro release kinetics of spray dried curcumin-loaded egg albumin microparticles
Delfiya, D.S.A.
Thangavel, K.
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Curcumin-loaded egg albumin microparticles were prepared by spray drying and the in vitro release
profile was analyzed for 72 h. Results showed that the curcumin release rate was controlled by egg
albumin concentration. The initial fast release and further controlled release of curcumin was observed in
all formulations. Release data was fitted in mathematical models and found that curcumin release from
all the formulations were best explained by Hixson-Crowell model followed by first order. Best fit of
Hixson-Crowell model (R2>0.99) indicated a change in surface area and diameter of the microparticles
with the progressive dissolution of egg albumin as a function of time. Release exponent (n) values of less
than 0.4 indicated the Fickian diffusion controlled release of curcumin from microparticles. Spray drying
can be suggested as a suitable method to prepare microparticles with controlled delivery of curcumin
Intl. J. Herbal Med. 5(3):45-48