Biochemical changes during chilled storage of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man 1879) and evaluation of freshness

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Ninan, G.
Bindu, J.
Ashok Kumar, K.
Joseph, J.
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Chilled storage characteristics of farmed Macrobrachium rosenbergii are discussed. Fresh whole samples could be kept in iced storage in acceptible condition for a period of 12 days. The prime quality of the prawns was retained for a period of 6 days. TVBN values showed an increase from 11.2 mg % to 28mg % by12 days of iced storage. The bacterial load was is the order 104 to 106 cfu g-1 throughout the chilled storage. Sensory evaluation of the whole prawns and cooked meat was also carried out. Nucleotide degradation in chilled storage was studied. Hypoxanthine levels increased significantly after six days of iced storage. The utility of K value as an indicator of freshness in the chilled storage of M. rosenbergii was also investigated.
chilled storage, quality, k value, hypoxanthine
International Symposium of Freshwater prawns, organized by College of Fisheries, Panangad Cochin 21-23 Augus 2003t P. 625-632