Shelf life assessment of ready to cook Indian mackerel under iced condition

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Hassan, S.
Jyothi, C.S.
Zynudheen, A.A.
Sankar, T.V.
Ravisankar, C.N.
Lalitha, K.V.
Nasser, M.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)
In India, fisheries sector has a vital role in income enhancement, poverty alleviation, and food security. A range of value added products like ready to cook and ready to fry products are slowly becoming popular as convenience food in the wake of changing lifestyle of consumers. Fish is a highly perishable product subject to spoilage during storage. During chilled storage of fish, significant deterioration of sensory quality and loss of nutritional value have been reported as a result of changes in chemical constituents leading to diminishing commercial value (Ashie et al., 1996; Olafsdottir et at., 1997; Whittle et at., 1990). This degradation process is carried out in the initial stage by muscle enzymes and later by microbial enzymes. The rate of alteration depends on factors such as the nature of the fish species, size, lipid content, and condition of fish during capture, nature of the microbial load, and storage temperature.
Indian mackerel, chilled storage, microbiological analyses, oxidation, alpha amino nitrogen
Proceedings of the National Seminar on Conservation and Sustainability of Coastal Living Resources of India, 1-3 December 2009, Cochin, Meenakumari, B. 550-557