Fish productivity and associated factors among fishermen operating FRP crafts

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Balasubramaniam, S.
Ramesan, M.P.
Gopal, N.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists(India),Cochin
The socio-economic variables of artisanal fishermen in Veraval (Gujarat) and Quilon (Kerala) are presented. Variables such as size of craft operated, fishing experience, annual maintenance cost of craft, net and engine, sale value of fish catch obtained per fishing day and annual income did not vary significantly between the fishermen in Veraval and Quilon fishing centers. The results revealed that on an average, the fishermen at Quilon had obtained a fish productivity level of 155kg per fishing day with a value of Rs. 1,794/-. For the fishermen at Veraval center, the fish productivity level was 91.5 kg per fishing day with sale value of Rs. 1,690/-. The multiple regression analysis revealed that the 13 variables taken together had significantly accounted for about 96 per cent of the variation in the fish productivity levels at both centers. The constraints reported by these fishermen operating smaller FRP crafts (8-9 m LOA) were recorded.
Fish catch, artisanal fishermen, socio-personal variables, constraints, sale value, fishing day
Fishery Technology 2005: 42(1), 71-76