Developments in fish processing Technology

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Gopal, T.K.S.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)
The growth rate of Indian marine products industry has been showing an upward trend in recent years in terms of quantity, while it has not been so encouraging in terms of unit value realisation. This is due to the failure of the industry to diversify its products and markets in tune with the changing market trends. The industry still remains mainly shrimp oriented because it is more lucrative. Even though the export of fish is high, the value realisation is less compared to shrimp. India exports mainly whole fish and shellfish, which is processed into several high value products in the importing countries and are re-exported at a very high price. It is noticed that the catches from the capture fisheries are on the decline. Hence it is necessary to conserve the harvested catch judiciously and to increase the production through culture to meet the growing demand for fish. Value addition and introduction of new types of products from low cost fishes is the only solution to the problem. Present market trends reflect a rapidly growing demand for ready to cook and ready to serve convenience products. Value addition can increase considerably the unit value of fish products and, hence, it is necessary to adopt modern technologies in processing of value added fish products and ensure food safety by adopting HACCP and ISO 9000 series. The increased demand for fish has prompted the development of many new preservation techniques which can be adopted by the fish processing industry without sacrificing safety, quality, shelf life and consumer satisfaction. The recent developments in handling, product development, packaging, preservation and storage of fish and fish based products are briefly reviewed in the following sections.
Fish processing technology, shellfish, chilled storage, shrimp
Proceedings of the National Seminar on Conservation and Sustainability of Coastal Living Resources of India, 1-3 December 2009, Cochin, Meenakumari, B. 418-441