Use of different glazes in frozen oil sardines

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Mathen, C.
Choudhury, D.R.
Pillai, V.K.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), Cochin
This paper reports on the relationship between the seasonal variations in the oil content of the Indian oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps) and their frozen stroage life at -18°C and on the use of various chemicals and coating materials to extent their storage life . It is observed that there is an invese relationship between the oil content and the frozen storage life - oil content varying from 10 .33 to 42.43 % (MFB) and storage life from 2 to 5 months. Extension of storage life is achieved by dipping in hydroquinone solution prior to freezing or by coating with agar agar after freezing . Data on changes in peroxide value, free fatty acids, moisture, drip and organoleptic characteristics during frozen storage are presented
Oil sardine, frozen storage, organoleptic characteristics, freezing, ascorbic acid, BHA, BHT, citric acid, gelatine
Fishery Technology 1966: 3(1), 30-37