Adoption of Improved Practices in Freshwater Fish Farming

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Kappen, Daisy C
Thomson, K.T
Dinesh, K
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Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin
The study was undertaken to know the extent of adoption of improved practices in freshwater fish farming in the state of Kerala and to find out the relationship between the socio-psychological and economic characteristics of freshwater fish farmers with the level of adoption. One hundred fish farmers from all the 14 districts of Kerala were selected using proportionate random sampling technique. Data were collected with the help of a structured interview schedule. The results showed that majority (70%) of the respondents had medium level of adoption. Maximum adoption was observed in the practices of stocking the pond with selected species, followed by acclimatization of the seeds. Least amount of adoption was noticed in the case of maintenance of dissolved oxygen followed by application of inorganic fertilizer. The variables viz., information source utilization, social participation, marketing orientation and extension participation showed positive and significant association with level of adoption of the respondents, while risk orientation was negatively and significantly correlated. Twelve variables taken together for the multiple regression analysis explained 71% of variation in the adoption level. Out of the total 71% variations explained by the independent variables together, 70% was explained by the variables viz., occupation, information source utilization, risk orientation, marketing orientation and extension participation.
Technology, adoption, freshwater fish farming, information source utilization, marketing orientation
Fishery Tech 50(2):191-195