Shelf life evaluation of a ready-to-eat black clam (villorita cyprinoides) product in indigenous retort pouches

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Bindu, J.
Ravishankar, C.N.
Gopal, T.K.S.
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Elsevier Science
A convenient, ready to consume thermal processed black clam product retaining its natural texture and succulence has been developed. The product developed was vacuum packed in indigenously developed retortable pouch and processed in a still over pressure retort. Time-temperature data was collected during heat processing using an Ellab data recorder cum Fo and cook value integrator. The heat penetration characteristics were determined using formula method. The total process time was 44 min with a Fo value of 9 and cook value of 99 min. These vacuum packed retort processed samples were rated excellent by the taste panel and remained in good condition even after storage for one year at ambient temperature (28 +/- 2 degree C).
Clam meat, retort pouch processing, storage studies
Journal of Food Engineering 2007: 78, 995-1000