Effect of rotation on the heat penetration of thermally processed tuna (thunnus albacares) in oil in aluminium cans
Effect of rotation on the heat penetration of thermally processed tuna (thunnus albacares) in oil in aluminium cans
Ali, A.A.
Sudhir, D.
Gopal, T.K.S.
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Society of Fisheries Technologists(India),Cochin
Tuna packed in oil medium was processed in aluminium cans to a Fo value of 10. Heat penetration characteristics were determined by processing to a Fo value of 10 in a rotary retort and comparing the results with the values from a stationary retort. Rotation of the cans has an effect on heat penetration in the thermally processed fish products. For studying the changes in heat penetration during rotation, tuna in oil was packed in aluminium cans (301X203) and subjected to different rotational speeds (2 rpm, 4 rpm, and 6 rpm) during thermal processing to the same Fo value of 10 by rotating the cage of the overpressure autoclave. For the same Fo value of 10 although there was a reduction in process time up to 6 rpm, the reduction in process time beyond 2 rpm was less significant.
Aluminium cans, heat penetration, thermal processing
Fishery Technology 2005: 42(1), 55-60