FT Vol.49(2)

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    Yield Indices for Meat in Pre-processing of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch, 1791)
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2012) Pawar, H. B.; Shirdhankar, M. M.; . Barve, S. K.; Patange, S. B.
    Nemipterus japonicus is preferred for production of surimi in India and in other Asian countries as the surimi produced from this fish is of high grade with white colour. The yield of processed or semiprocessed product in processing of this fish is a subject of prime importance. An attempt was made to establish relationships between meat yield and quantity of raw material used for processing, for facilitating appropriate managerial decision in surimi industry. Nemipterus japonicus specimens collected for the study were grouped in three length groups and were processed further with straight as well as inclined cut dressing style. The weight of scale, fin, head, meat and bone were recorded for both the dressing styles, and belly flap weight was additionally recorded for the straight cut dressing style. Average meat yield increased as the fish grew while the head weight decreased. The highest average meat yield recorded in 15-21 cm length group for straight cut and inclined cut were 50.57% and 52.10% respectively. The highest average head weight was recorded in 5-10 cm length group for straight cut (29.38%) and inclined cut (37.24%) dressing styles. Scale and other waste did not show increasing or decreasing trends with growth of N. japonicus. Nomographs were developed to predict the meat yield for various length groups as well as for pooled length group for both straight and inclined cut dressing styles
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    Social Status of Hook and Line Fishermen in Visakhapatnam
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2012) Immanuel, Sheela; Rao, G. Syda
    This study aims to document the socio economic profile of the fisherfolk involved in hook and line fishing. The study was conducted among a sample of 100 fishermen involved in hook and line fishing in Pedajalaripeta village in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh. Field survey method was adopted for data collection. Forty three percent of the fishermen were between the age group of 36- 45 years, and all of them belonged to Hindu religion and Jalari caste. Nearly 72% of the male population above the age of fifteen was also involved in hook and line fishing. The daily income of the fisherfolk was dependent on fish catch and it varied from Rs.150 to Rs.1 000. Regarding the ownership pattern, 32% owned fibre catamaran and 9% owned wooden catamaran. The important types of hook and line operated in the area were long line and hand line. Only single day fishing trips were operated in the study area. In 28% of the families, the fisherwomen were involved in fish marketing and their monthly income ranged from Rs. 3 000 to Rs. 7 500. Poor implementation of regulations and excess fishing capacity were reported as major constraints. The study also suggests ways to improve the socio economic status of hook and line fishermen
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    Prevalent Diseases among Freshwater Ornamental Fishes in Nagaon District, Assam
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2012) Kalita, Binod; Tamuli, Krishna Kanta; Baishya, Sangipran; Dutta, Omeo Kumar
    Incidence of parasitic and microbial diseases in ornamental fishes affect relationship between the population density, source and water quality of the rearing environment. Constant monitoring of water quality, quarantine treatments and disease preventive measures may ensure growth of a sound trade of these fishes in the region
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    Modulation in Nutritional Quality of Microalgae, Chaetoceros calcitrans in Different Culture Media
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2012) Lincymol, K.P.; Ittoop, Gijo; Devi, P. Lakshmi; Joseph, Aneykutty
    The present study was initiated to identify the best medium for culture of Chaetoceros calcitrans that could provide better protein and lipid content while supporting good growth of the algae. The media selected were Walne’s, Miquel’s, Chu and f/2 media. The algae cultured in Walne’s, Miquel’s and f/2 media showed significantly higher content of lipid (P<0.05) in the late exponential phase. Protein content was the highest in Walne’s medium (32.53 ± 0.28% dry weight) as compared to other media tested. Maximum cell density was recorded in f/2 medium. Miquel’s medium gave the maximum carbohydrate content (16.92 ± 1.54% dry weight). It was observed that media could certainly influence the biochemical composition of microalgae and therefore selection of media should be based on the larval requirement of the target species. Results obtained in the present study revealed that microalgae cultured in Walne’s medium gave high values of protein and lipid content. Although cell count was the highest in f/2 medium, Walne’s medium provided the best nutritional quality of algae.
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    Fisher Friend Mobile Application – An Innovative and Promising ICT Tool in Fisheries e-Extension
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2012) Vimala, D. D.; Ravisankar, T
    Among the new e-Extension initiatives in the fisheries sector, the advisory services through mobile phone occupy an important place in disseminating information and knowledge to fisherfolk. This study was conducted in Akkarapettai, Samanthanpettai and Chinnangudi villages of Nagapattinam district in Tamil Nadu where information dissemination through mobile phones is being actively practiced by M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation. A sample of 56 fisherfolk was drawn using simple random sampling procedure. Structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The study focused on two aspects namely, demographic characteristics of the respondents and the type of information disseminated and its preferences through mobile phone. The information disseminated were: daily weather and wave height forecast, potential fishing zones, GPS based navigation solutions, details of Government schemes in operation, Government subsidies, market/landing centre information, clips of the day and audio clips based on need assessment of the respondents. The constraints such as small size of the mobile screen, too many scrolls to read the full content, slow scrolling speed, small font size and time constraints were expressed. GPS technology integrated, waterresistant model, voice enabled messages, flat models instead of folding types, high capacity charge batteries and GPS software with novel features were preferred by the fisherfo