Peer Reviewd Journal Articles (National) (Engg)

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    Drying characteristics of shrimp (Metapenaeus dobsoni) in electrical dryer
    (Pantnagar Journal of Research, 2020) Delfiya, D.S. Aniesrani; Murali, S.; Alfiya, P.V.; SAMUEL, MANOJ P.
    This study was conducted to investigate the drying characteristics of shrimp (Metapenaeus dobsoni) in an electrical dryer. Initial moisture content of shrimps was decreased from 73– 79% (wb) to 8 – 10% (wb) final moisture in 8 h. Drying was performed at drying air temperature and air velocity of 55±2°C and 0.8±0.04 m/s respectively, and drying parameters were recorded at 1 h interval. Drying rate was found to be reduced with drying time and drying followed the falling rate drying period. Drying characteristics curves were plotted and various drying models were fitted to describe drying kinetics of shrimps. Drying models suitability was analysed based on higher coefficient of determination value (R2), lower root mean square error and reduced chi-square values (χ2). Midilli model was selected as the best fit model with highest R2 (0.999), lowest χ2 (0.00002) and root mean square error (0.004) values. Results proved that hot air drying using electrical dryer has many advantages over sun drying like better control over drying temperature and moisture content, uniformity in drying and less drying time.
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    Development of an energy efficient portable convective fish dryer
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), 2019) Alfiya, P.V.; Murali, S.; Delfiya, D.S.A.; Samuel, M.P.
    A portable multipurpose electrical dryer of 10 kg capacity was designed and developed for drying of fishe and other agricultural products. The dryer consists of a drying chamber with total drying area of 2.8 m2, fan, heating element and exhaust vent. The dryer was fabricated using locally sourced materials. Under ‘no-load’ conditions, the drying chamber attained highest temperature of 50±5°C within 60 min of operation. Relative humidity and velocity of drying air inside the drying chamber were observed to be 65% and 0.8 m/s respectively. The study of energy consumption pattern indicated a drying efficiency of 21.42%. A performance evaluation study of the dryer was done for sardine and the maximum drying time required for complete drying was eight hours. Results showed that the entire drying processes occurred under falling rate period. A logarithmic model fitted to the drying data very well for the specified range of drying conditions.
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    Empirical modelling of drying characteristics of elongate glassy perchlet (Chanda nama) (Hamilton, 1822) in solar hybrid dryer
    (2018) Alfiya, P.V.; Murali, S.; Delfiya, D.S.A.; Samuel, M.P.
    This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of solar dryer with electrical back-up to produce quality dried Glassy perchlet (Chanda nama). Insolation of the experimental region varied from 25 to 1025 W m-2. Atmospheric temperature showed a variation between 29.5 to 34.5°C. Relative humidity outside the dryer ranged from 56 to 76.5% showing a direct relationship with temperature. Drying experiment was carried out for 10 h at drying air temperature of 60°C. Relative humidity and velocity of drying air inside the drying chamber was 68% and 0.8 m s-1 respectively. Drying conditions were maintained inside the dryer by electrical back-up. Weight loss of pre-processed C. nama during drying was measured at 1 h duration. Drying characteristic data were fitted into empirical drying models. Two-term model was found to be the best fit for the drying characteristic data under specified conditions (R2=0.998, RMSE=0.016 and χ 2=0.00027).
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    Evolution of Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystem in NARES for promoting Agri-Entrepreneurship
    (2016) Subash, S.P.; Srinivas, K.; Samuel, M.P.; Kalpana Sastry, R.
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    Encapsulation of rice bran oil in tapioca starch-soya protein isolate complex using spray drying
    (Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2016) Muraly, S.; Kar, A.; Patel, A.S.; Kumar, J.; Mohapatra, D.; Das, S.K.