FT Vol.1(2)

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    The Protein, Peptide And Free Amino-Acid Contents Of Some Species Of Gracilaria From South-East Coast Of India
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin, 1964) Lewis, E.J.
    Four species of Gracilaria are investigated for their free amino-acid contents, as well as amino-acid constituents in the proteins and the peptides, using quantitative paper chromatographic technique. Amino-acid constituents of different species of Gracilaria differ only in amount, while free amino-acids and the amino-acids in the peptides vary both in quality and quantity. A number of amino-acids recorded as protein constituents have even escaped detection in the peptides, while in the free state they occur either in all the species or in some only except homocystine. Moreover, some amino-acids occur exclusively in the free state.
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    On a rational criterion for assigning batch number to processed products of shrimps
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin, 1964) Banerji, S.K.
    Investigations were conducted to find the variability of processed shrimps with respect to two quality characteristics, namely, the numbers of deteriorated and discoloured pieces. Samples were collected for three days from two arbitrarily selected processing factories from Cochin at the pre-freezing stages. Results show that both the quality characteristics vary significantly between different size-grades, but while the variation in the number of deteriorated pieces between days is not significant, the variation in the number of discoloured pieces between days is significant.
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    Fishery Development And Administration In India
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin, 1964) Chidambaram, K.
    This paper deals with the importance of fisheries administration in effective planning and successful execution of fisheries development programmes. The great diversity in the organisation of fisheries departments in the states of India is described.
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    Biology Of Balanus Amphitrite Communis (Darwin) In The Cochin Harbour Waters
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin, 1964) John, P.A.
    Seasonal viariations in the incidence on fresh surfaces, breeding season, rate of growth and mortality of Balanus amphitrite communis was studied for a period of twelve months in the Cochin harbour waters, situated 76̊ 14'E and 90̊ 57'N, and subjected to annual seasonal changes in salinity.
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    A winding machine for "Sekiyama"
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin, 1964) Vijayan Unni, K.
    During 1964, the offshore fishing station, Cochin, took up a programme of exploratory tuna fishing in the deeper waters off Cochin. A side trawler was converted into a tuna long liner for this purpose.