FT Vol.53(2)

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    Ecosystem Services and Fishery Production Dynamics of Wetland Ecosystem: An Appraisal of Alappuzha District of Kerala, India
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2016) Varkey, L.M; Kumar, Pramod; Mridha, Nilimesh; Sekhar, I; Sahoo, R. N
    Wetlands serve as home to innumerable flora and fauna and deliver critical ecological and societal functions which often tend to get ignored during the developmental process. An assessment of ecosystem service contribution of wetlands of Alappuzha was attempted under benefit transfer framework to raise awareness regarding its invaluable contributions. The district being home to a network of backwaters falling under coastal lagoons, coastal natural wetands dominated the share. Erosion regulation and sediment retention, food production and recreation were the major ecosystem functions contributing to total ecosystem value. An assessment of growth and variability of inland fisheries, the major provisioning good of the wetlands, revealed the significance of Prawn, Etroplus and Tilapia in fish landings. Analysis of change in the area of Vembanad Lake during 2002-2014 revealed growing anthropogenic pressure, with a reduction of 465 ha of area. Fisheries of the lake has been seriously affected by continuing reclamation, pollution, eutrophication and anthropogenic interventions which have to be regulated to stop the decline of wetlands of the district
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    Biology of Silverbelly, Photopectoralis bindus (Val. 1835) along Ratnagiri Coast
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)Cochin, 2016) Borah, B. S.; Nirmale, V. H.; Metar, S. Y.; Bhosale, B. P.; Chogale, N. D.; Pawar, R. A.
    Food and feeding habits, reproduction and size at first maturity of Photopectoralis bindus from Ratnagiri coast are described, based on commercial catches landed by trawls during 2013-2014. Copepods, diatoms and cladocera form important food of the species. The estimated length at first maturity is 93.5 mm. P. bindus is a fractional spawner and appears to release the ova in at least two spawning acts during the peak spawning season extending from October to December. High gonado-somatic indices correspond well with the peak spawning seasons and females always have higher values. The estimated fecundity ranged from 4377 to 10 449
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    Fatty Acid Profile of Yellowfin Tuna Eye (Thunnus albacares) and Oil Sardine Muscle (Sardinella longiceps)
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists(India), 2016) Renuka, V.; Anandan, R.; Suseela, M.; Ravishankar, C.N.; Sivaraman, G.K..
    In the present study, fatty acid profile of yellowfin tuna eye (YFTE) was investigated. Proximate analysis of YFTE revealed the presence of high fat content (12.0%) and moderate protein content (10.2%). A comparison was made between the fatty acid composition of YFTE and sardine oil. Higher poly unsaturated fatty acid content was found in YFTE (48.8%) compared to oil sardine (30.0%). Ratio of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content to the total fatty acids of YFTE was 36.72% which was higher compared to oil sardine (8.67%). However, EPA content of oil sardine was higher (16.8%) than YFTE (7.07%). DHA/EPA ratio and n-3/n-6 ratio of YFTE were 5.25 and 8.97 respectively. Palmitoleic acid was the principal mono unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) present in YFTE and oil sardine. The present study revealed that yellow fin tuna eye could be a potential source of omega-3 fatty acids.
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    Effect of chitosan edible coating on the microbial quality of Ribbonfish, Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier, 1929) steaks
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists(India), 2016) Renuka, V.; Mohan, C.O.; Kriplani, Y.; Sivaraman, G.K.; Ravishankar, C.N.
    The demand for healthy food products without any added chemical preservative is increasing globally. Chitosan can find application in food products due to its bio-preservation effects. The present study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of chitosan edible coating on the microbial quality of ribbon fish, Lepturacanthus savala. Ribbonfish steaks treated with (1%) and without chitosan were packed in multilayered films and stored under refrigerated conditions (3±1oC). The fish used in the study is medium fatty fish with good quantity of crude protein. The initial total plate count of 4.5 log cfu g-1 indicates the good quality of fish used in the study which exceeded limit of 7 log cfu g-1 on 10th days in control samples indicating the shelf life of ~8-9 days. In chitosan treated samples, total plate counts were observed to be 6.81 log cfu g-1on 15th day and the limit of 7 log cfu g-1was exceeded only on 20th day indicating a shelf life of ~16-17 days. This clearly indicates the antimicrobial effect of chitosan. Further, significantly (p<0.01) lower counts for Pseudomonas spp., H2S forming bacteria and enterobacteriaceae were observed for chitosan treated samples. The study reveals that chitosan can be used effectively to enhance the microbial quality as well as shelf life of the fishery products.
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    Optimization of process parameters for the production of chitin from the shell ofFlowertail Shrimp(Metapenaeus dobsoni)
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists(India), 2016) Joshy, C.G.; Zynudheen, A.A.; Ninan, G.; Ronda, V.; Muhammed, S.
    The objective of present study was to optimize the process parameters for the production of chitin from the shell of Metapenaeus dobsoni by deproteinization and demineralization using linear regression. The response variables viz: yield and quality of chitin were optimized in terms of concentration, treatment time and ratio of acid and alkali used in the production of chitin. First order polynomial regression model with interaction coefficients for alkali concentration with treatment time was found as optimal to explain the variability in the response variables in terms of process variables. Based on the fitted model, the coefficients of acid concentration (2.48), acid ratio (0.006) and acid treatment time (0.039) were found significant for chitin yield at 1% level and linear regression coefficients showed a non-significant increasing trend. The regression coefficient for interaction between acid concentration and treatment time showed a significant decreasing trend (-0.025). The optimum combination of process variables to improve the yield and quality of chitin from M. dobsoni shell was sodium hydroxide concentration at 3 % in 1:2 ratio and treatment time of 30 minutes and hydrochloric acid concentration at 1.25 N in1:2 ratio and treatment time of 90 minutes.