FT Vol.54(2)

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    Collagen Biosynthesis in Osteoblast Cells Treated with Fish Collagen Peptides
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India),COCHIN, 2017) Hema, G.S; Shyni, K; Prasad, M. Manu; Ninan, George; Mathew, Suseela
    Collagen is one of the most widely used biomaterials in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. To investigate the effect of fish collagen peptides on the formation of collagen proteins by mature osteoblast cells, human osteoblast cells were treated with collagen peptide in both time and dose dependent manner. The stimulatory effect of collagen peptide was confirmed by western blot and immunocytochemistry analysis. The results clearly indicate that the presence of fish collagen peptides led to a dose dependent increase in collagen synthesis by osteoblast cells upto a concentration of 0.6 mg ml-1. However native collagen or collagen free protein hydrolysate failed to stimulate the production of collagen in osteoblast cells. The results show a stimulatory effect of fish collagen peptides on the collagen biosynthesis in osteoblast cells and suggest a possible mechanism for the regulation of collagen turnover in joint tissues.
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    Effect of Light Spectra on Growth Performance and Immune Response of Koi Carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758)
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India),cochin, 2017) Bairwa, Mukesh Kumar; Saharan, Neelam; Rawat, Kiran Dube; Tiwari, Virendra Kumar; Prasad, K. Pani
    The present study was undertaken to assess the growth performance and non-specific immune response of koi carp, Cyprinus carpio exposed to lightemitting diodes (LEDs): blue (450 nm), green (530 nm), yellow (530 nm) and red (630 nm) under long photoperiod (16 h light) for 90 days. White fluorescent light (simulated natural photoperiod, SNP) was used as control. Growth performance of fish was higher (p<0.05) in blue-LED and green-LED exposed groups with significantly higher weight gain percentage, FER and SGR and lower FCR. The concentrations of stress indicators: (cortisol and glucose) were significantly (p<0.05) higher in yellow-LED, red-LED and for control fish group. Total protein, globulin protein, lysozyme activity and respiratory burst activity was significantly higher (p<0.05) in blue-LED and green-LED exposed fish groups whereas, yellow-LED and red-LED exposed fish recorded decline in this parameters after 60 days. The present study recommends that blue and green lights are suitable for better growth and improving the non-specific immune system of koi carp.
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    Digestibility of Dry Matter and Nutrients from Azolla pinnata by Labeo calbasu (Hamilton, 1822) with a Note on Digestive Enzyme Activity
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India),cochin, 2017) Gangadhar, B; Umalatha, H.; Hegde, G; Sridhar, N
    Digestibility of feed ingredients in the compounded diet is an important factor affecting the growth of fish. A study was conducted in indoor plastic tubs to estimate the in vivo digestibility of dry matter and nutrients by a minor carp Labeo calbasu for a nonconventional feed ingredient – azolla, incorporated at levels ranging from 0-40% using crude fibre as the marker. The activities of major digestive enzymes were also estimated in the gut of fish fed varied levels of azolla. The digestibility values were the highest (p<0.05) at 10% azolla inclusion level. While the total dry matter digestibility and fat digestibility values of control diet were comparable with that of azolla diets up to 30% incorporation, with a decline thereafter; protein and NFE digestibilities were comparable up to 40% incorporation. Activities of majority of digestive enzymes were the highest (p<0.05) at 10% azolla incorporation level showing a decreasing trend at still higher levels. The study reveals the usefulness of azolla for inclusion in calbasu diets. Azolla can be used up to 30% without affecting the digestibility.
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    Digitization of Inland Water Resources for Fisheries through Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System - A Study in Ratnagiri District
    (Society of Fisheries Technologists (India),cochin, 2017) Lokhande, P.C; Shirdhankar, M.M; Chaudhari, K.J; Sawant, M. S.
    Natural inland aquatic resources such as rivers, creeks, mangroves as well as manmade resources such as reservoirs, shrimp farms and shrimp hatcheries of Ratnagiri district were mapped using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS). IRS P6 LISS III images were used for mapping. A total of 10 rivers, 24 creeks and 2435.16 ha of mangrove area were identified and mapped. There are 65 reservoirs, 40 shrimp farms and 2 hatcheries in the district. Digital maps of each resource with details were incorporated using GIS techniques. IRS P6 LISS III images with 23 m resolution can be processed after enhancing resolution to 15 m by merging with Landset ETM+ image to map inland fisheries resources through Geographical Information System.
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    Square mesh window for reducing hilsa juvenile bycatch in stationary bagnets
    (Society of Fishery Technologists (India), 2017) Prajith, K.K.; Remesan, M.P.; Madhu, V.R.; Pravin, P.